#100DaysOfCode Challenge

This page documents my progress through the 100 Days of Code challenge. I started with the Udemy course titled 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022 by Dr. Angela Yu and then focused on personal projects.

This challenge was one of the best things I've ever done, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning programming. The daily practice boosted both my skills and confidence significantly.

I did have a lot of trouble wrapping up this challege though, not because I couldn't finish the 100 days, but because I went into it with the expectation that I would accomplish something tangible in these 100 days and there would be a concrete end point on day 100. Instead, these 100 days of practice were really just the beginning of my programming journey. This difference made it very difficult for me to feel like I had any "closure" at the end of the 100 days.

While I was not able to complete the projects I'd hoped to during this time, I've continued programming regularly. By putting in the effort to practice programming daily for 100 days, I got through a lot of the difficult parts of the learning curve that had always been blockers for me before. The code I write for work is much easier now, and when I have questions, I know how to find the answers.

After completing this challenge, I redid one client project from about three years ago. I had been so proud of that project and the work that went into it... but when I redid the same work, I was able to write code that was much cleaner and more reliable. The project also took a fraction of the time it had initially. I really enjoyed comparing how it felt to do the project over the second time vs. how it had felt several years ago, and it really showed me how much I have improved from this daily practice.

I'm still working on my personal projects as well. Despite focusing for most of the 100 days on Python, I am currently learning React Native for my app project, and that's been fascinating as well.

I will absolutely be doing more 100-day challenges, but I do expect to make two significant changes going forward:

  1. I will focus specifically on the goal of practicing for 100 days, not expecting to master anything during that time period.
  2. I won't post daily on social media. Most days I would get lost for hours programming and it was a highlight of my day, but I often dreaded the social media posts, despite all the positive feedback. I did love and appreciate the support and encouragement, though!

Day 25: Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library

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Today's assignment covered reading CSV data in Python as well as DataFrames and Series.

Day 24: Files, Directories, and Paths

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Today's assignment covered relative and absolute file paths and how to open, read, and write to files.

Day 23: The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project

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Today's assignment was to create a game where a turtle tries to cross the road without getting hit by cars. I changed it to returning library books without getting hit by raindrops.

Day 22: Build Pong: The Famous Arcade Game

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Today's assignment covered how to create the arcade game Pong.

Day 21: Build the Snake Game Part 2: Inheritance & List Slicing

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Today's assignment covered class inheritance as well as slicing lists and tuples.

Day 20: Build the Snake Game Part 1: Animation & Coordinates

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Today's assignment covered screen setup, animating the snake segments, creating a snake class, moving to OOP, and how to control the snake with a keypress.

Day 19: Instances, State, and Higher Order Functions

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Today's assignment covered higher order funcitons, event listeners, object state, and instances.

Day 18: Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

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Today's assignment covered using documentation, importing modules, installing packages, working with aliases, and introduced GUIs.

Day 17: The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP

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Today's assignment covered how to create your own classes, working with attributes, adding methods to a class, and how to use class constructors.

Day 16: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

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Today's assignment covered OOP, constructing objects and accessing their attributes and methods, adding python packages, and using PyPi.

Day 15: Local Development Environment Setup & The Coffee Machine

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Today's assignment was to install Python and PyCharm and then to write a simple program.

Day 14: Higher Lower Game Project

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Today's assignment was the last challenge for the Beginner section of this course!

Day 13: Debugging: How to Find and Fix Errors in Your Code

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Today's assignment covered how to find and fix errors in Python programs.

Day 12: Scope & Number Guessing Game

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Today's assignment covered local vs. global scope and constants.

Day 11: The Blackjack Capstone Project

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Today's assignment combined all previous material to create a capstone project!

Day 10: Functions with Outputs

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Today's assignment covered functions with outputs, multiple return values, print vs return, while loops, flags, recursion, and combining dictionaries and functions.

Day 9: Dictionaries, Nesting, and the Secret Auction

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Today's assignment covered python dictionaries and nesting lists.

Day 8: Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher

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Today's assignment covered functions with inputs, positional vs keyword arguments, and more user experience improvements.

Day 7: Hangman

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Today's assignment was to create a Hangman game! The focus was on loops and improving the user experience.

Day 6: Python Functions & Karel

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Today's assignment covered functions, indentation, and while loops.

Day 5: Python Loops

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Today's assignment covered for loops and the range() function.

Day 4: Randomisation and Python Lists

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Today's assignment covered generating random numbers, list offset, appending to lists, and nested lists.

Day 3: Control Flow and Logical Operators

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Today's assignment covered if/else statements, conditional operators, modulos, nested if and elif statements, logical operators, and multiple if statements in succession.

Day 2: Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings

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Today's assignment covered primitive data types, number manipulation, and mathematical operations.

Day 1: Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data

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Today's assignment covered variables, print functions, and input functions.

"To measure is to know. If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it."

- Lord Kelvin

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I look forward to talking with you!

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